What We Believe


Peniel PHC's Statement of Purpose
As a New Testament church proclaiming the Word of God, we purpose to glorify God the Father and exalt Jesus Christ, yielding to the Holy Spirit to "make disciples" as commanded by the Great Commission.

We believe that the Church of Jesus Christ, of which we are a part, has been called to:

WORSHIP (Exalt God) Acts 2:46; Psalm 95:6,7; Revelation 4:8-11

FELLOWSHIP (Encourage one another) John 13:34 Acts 2:44,46

DISCIPLESHIP (Equip Christians toward spiritual maturity and ministry) Acts 2:42; Romans 12:1,2; 14:19 Matthew 9:35-38; Eph. 4:11-12

EVANGELISM (Evangelize the world for Christ) Acts 2 :47; 1:8

As a New Testament church called by God, we are committed to the commission (the Great Commission) received by Jesus Christ to love and fulfill His command. We are dependent upon the Holy Spirit to enable us to connect to the un-churched and unsaved to make disciples as we "GO" into the world of our family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors.

As a New Testament Church we believe the Christian life involves the whole person, which includes our Worship to God, Walk with God, Work for God, Will submitted to God, and our Wealth given unto God. (Matthew 28:19,20; Psalm 15)


Background image by  ~ Silver and Gold and Thee ~